General Information

Traffic Pattern:

Right traffic runways 18 and 12.  Traffic Pattern Altitude 1784' (1000' agl).

Airport/Facility Directory:

The FAA's National Aeronautical Navigation Services (AeroNav) publishes the Airport/Facility Directory (A/FD, the "green book") every 56 days.  This is the official source for aeronautical information at Parlin Field.  Downloads are free from the AeroNav website.

Location Diagram:

Review our Location Diagram for services, on-field tenants, and noise abatement procedure.  This is unofficial information compiled from various sources.  This page is sized and formatted to fit on your knee-board or Jeppesen-style binder.  Print on 5.5 x 8.5 paper (one-half a standard 8.5 x 11 page).

Noise Abatement Procedure:

Avoid noise sensitive area 3000 feet northwest of the airport.  Departing runway 36, fly runway heading to 2000 MSL at least 1 nm beyond the end of the runway before turning left.  Right turns preferred for eastbound and southbound departures.  View the aerial Noise Abatement Photo Diagram for details.

Callum Community Hangar:

The community hangar is currently full.  Contact the Airport Manager to verify availability or place your name on the waiting list.  Read the Callum Community Hangar Information page for policies & fees.


Several Tie-Downs are available.  See the Tie-Down Information page for policies & fees.

On-Field Camping:

Available for pilots who fly into Parlin Field, read the Camping Information summary for details.